January Greens
brown greens, yellow greens, blue greens
Once the joyful twinkling and merriment of December festivities is over and the novelty of a new beginning fades, things inevitably start to feel darker. I find January to be endlessly gloomy. Dark mornings, dark afternoon-turned-evenings, thick clouds and rainy skies, the world awash in monochromatic grey, even at the height of what I suppose we still call midday. All this to say, that the start of this year (after the magical very beginning) has felt like a slump within a slump, and so, as I always do in times like these, I looked towards the world with my brain’s camera filter on and started to look.
I wanted greens in all their glory, and when I started to see them, I couldn’t stop. The secret little worlds of green in every shade; a hundred different kinds of lichen, sturdy grasses, persistent weeds, spongy mosses and evergreen trees, all of them living their own quiet, ferocious, simple, complex lives.